Mandy Morrill — The Power of Our Sibling Relationships Throughout Life: How our Brothers and Sisters Impact Who We Are
August 16, 2021 6:30 p.m.
From Mandy: “This talk will explore how our sibling relationships (though largely minimized in importance) play a significant role in our emotional development and who we become. Personal experiences and reflections will be shared of how my brother, Joshua Morrill, played a significant role in who I am today, and how our relationship evolved into one of my strongest connections and supports as an adult.”
Dr. Mandy Morrill joined the faculty at Valparaiso University in 2010, and serves as the program director for the graduate program in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. Dr. Morrill’s primary research interest involves examining long-term consequences of abusive sibling relationships. Within this sphere of research, Dr. Morrill also studies gender issues related to abuse and has published research regarding male victimization and female perpetration. Additionally, she has engaged in research related to the impact of sibling abuse on interpersonal competencies and self-esteem. Publications she has authored include: “The relationship between sibling maltreatment and college students’ sense of well-being,” in the Journal of College Counseling; “Sibling abuse,” in Encyclopedia of Victimology and Crime Prevention; “Some psycho-social correlates of attitudes towards torture,” in Nordic Journal of Human Rights; “Confronting the gender myth: An exploration of variance in male vs. female experience with sibling abuse. Journal of Interpersonal Violence; “Sibling sexual abuse: An exploratory study of long-term consequences for self-esteem and counseling considerations,” Journal of Family Violence; “An exploration of the relationship between experience with sibling abuse and experience with peer bullying,” Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma; “Sibling violence,” in Handbook of behavioral criminology: Contemporary strategies and Issues. Dr. Morrill has presented her research at national conferences and has facilitated a number of workshops for clinicians regarding supervision, and domestic violence issues. Dr. Morrill has been interviewed regarding her research on abuse in multiple countries and has been a featured guest on Radio Health Journal. Dr. Morrill brings her clinical experience to her teaching, research and supervision as she has practiced in domestic violence shelters, served as a court advocate and rape crisis counselor, and has counseled, as well as advocated, for both men and women recovering from abuse and trauma. Dr. Morrill is a national board certified mental health counselor (NCC) and also holds her LMHC in the state of Indiana.